The Emotional Alchemist
My spiritual journey began when I was 18 and still develops every day as much as I allow myself to flow with Universal energy.
I am a free spirit living in this life to be happy and enjoy the wonders that the Universe has given me. I call myself "The Emotional Alchemist" because through my own processes in life I learned how to recognize and transform my own emotions in a matter of seconds to change life's experiences.
The word Alchemist - "comes from alchemy, which has its origin in the Greek word khemeia, which means" art of transmuting metals.
"Alchemists were considered chemists because of their work trying to transform basic metals into gold. They were also seen as magicians because they tried to make special elixirs that would give eternal life and cure the disease.
When I act as an Alchemist, I allow myself to transform an illusion into real, and this only happens when I live in the present moment; connect with myself and bring what is true.
From the processes throughout my own life, I realized that all my struggles in the past had been created by myself, until I made the last call to change my present, leaving the past where I belonged and dreaming of Great for a better future.
How I can help you

Would you like to improve your relationship? Or are you looking for a partner?
This is a one-to-one training, since it is not a "couple therapy". I base this caching on the fulfillment of the 6 basic human needs and their interdependence between the couple.

Are you thinking about changing careers?
Or change Work?
Start a new business, but have not yet found the "WHY", "WHAT" and "HOW". I can help you find your purpose to align your feelings, thoughts and actions.

Do you have a goal?
You don't have a goal?
No problem! We will work together to discover what is missing in your life to make you happier and purposeful. This one-to-one Orientation allows us to work more closely as I will direct my focus, care and skills to help you fill that void. This session is structured to identify those areas of your life: health, relationship with others and with yourself, weight loss, family and friends, fun and leisure. Within this service, if necessary, we will work on the fears that prevent you from taking control of your life and making lasting changes.